William Xu


By William Xu
September 2019

21世纪什么最缺?是⼈才。虽说这是冯导“天 下⽆贼”的⼀句台词,可是⽆⽐真实地道出了 核⼼本质。

和很多公司接触下来,⼈才的保留普遍都是 ⼀个⾮常巨⼤的挑战。⽆论是初创型的⼩企 业,还是世界知名的⼤公司,皆是如此。

在上⼀篇“怎样做离职分析报告”,我们聊了哪 些是公司特别需要留住的⼈才。那么今天我们来聊聊有哪些因素会致使员⼯选择离开⼀家公司。

What do organizations need the most in the 21st century? The answer is talent. Although this was a quote from the movie “A World Without Thieves”, you cannot deny its accuracy.

Talent retention has always been a huge challenge, regardless whether it is a start-up company or a multinational company, the problem lays the same.

In my previous article, “How to create a Resignation Analysis Report”, we talked about which company specifically needed to put a greater focus on talent retention.Today, let’s talk about which factors caused an employee to leave the company.

2018 年员⼯敬业度得分最低项

Questions of lowest score in 2018
Greater China’s survey Result

根据“Great place to work”2018 年在中国地区的员⼯敬业度调研中,以下五项是得分最低的项⽬。According to a 2018 survey report by Great Place To Work on companies in Greater China, the below statements scored lowest


I believe management would lay people off only as a last resort


I am offered training or development to further myself


Management involves people in decisions that affect their jobs or work environment


Everyone has an opportunity to get special recognition


Promotions go to those who best deserve them




- 稳定的⼯作 -

公司在做增员还是减员的决定时,⼀定要慎 重再慎重。失业会对⼀个家庭带来⾮常重⼤的影响,有时候甚⾄是毁灭性的。

- 学习和成长 -


- 相互的尊重 -


- 褒奖和认可 -

虽说褒奖和认可,可能只是⼀句话,⼀封邮 件,⼀张奖状。但是,本质上这体现的是 “我的价值被公司认可”,在马斯洛的需求层 次,位于“⾃我实现”。这不是可有可⽆,对 员⼯来说,这⾄关重要。

- 公平和公正 -

提拔谁都可以,但是提拔的标准要清晰,提 拔的过程要透明,这样传递的信息是公平和 公正,每个⼈只要做到...就会...。“不患寡⽽ 患不均”讲的就是这个道理

What does this tell us?

The above statements with the lowest scores reflect that there’s a psychological gap in our employees. In simple terms, employees believe that these aspects are of high importance to themselves, but in reality, the company does not reflect that. My interpretation of the above is that the employees need…

- Stable Job -

When companies make plans to increase or decrease their staff, they must be cautious and review the decisions carefully. Unemployment can have significant impact on a family, sometimes even detrimental.

- Learning and Growing -

Employees’ reason for work is not just about making a living, they also hope to continue to learn and grow in order to maintain or enhance their long-term “competitiveness” in the market.

- Mutual Respect -

Despite high/low positions, the need for respect for employees and managers is all the same. If management is not able to empathize with the employees when communicating, not only will your fail to change, but you will also fail to win “the hearts of the people”.

- Awards and Recognition -

Although awards and recognition may just be an award, an email, or even just a sentence, in essence, this is reflected in “my value is recognized by the company”. In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, their need for “self-actualization” is fulfilled. This to an employee can mean the world to them and increase their employee engagement.

- Fair and Just -

Anyone can be promoted, but the standard of promotion should be clear, the process of promotion should be transparent, and the information conveyed is fair and just.

Perform a Self-Evaluation

如果你也在为留住⼈才⽽头疼,那么不妨从上述五个维度做个⾃我检查,也许你能够更快找到“应对之道”。 If you are having a headache over retaining your talent, then you may want to do a self-examination from using the 5 perspectives mentioned above. Maybe you are able to discover something you missed and create a more employeefriendly workplace for everyone.